Saturday, August 26, 2006

Been a blogger for a whole week now. I think I'm over it. Haven't had that much time to actually blog, but my real issue is that I'm not that comfortable about how much I should put on here since anyone and everyone can see it. I am getting used to the idea that it is a public forum and am therefore getting over myself (this really sound like mid-life is getting to me....).
It's terrific to be finished with the pressure of programs for the term. It's been a fantastic one but will be good to be able to have a break and focus on some planning for term 4 and 07. Today we checked out a school for the boys. It was a good way to re think and evaluate how their education and development is going. Essendon and Richmond play tonight. Nice to have a night off to watch it. Twins are on their first overnighter with Granny. As great as it is to live here, looking forward to a little time away. Maybe I'll post another picture.


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