Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Wednesday, 22nd November.

Programs are now finished for the term and the year for me. No sooner does it start than it is finished. We have had a good term. I worked out today that our team is made up of approximately 62 people, all volunteers. That's a fair chunk of human resources motivation and management. Love it.
It will be good to write down the things that worked and the things that didn't, but maybe that can wait 'till next week. Still have Celebration this Sunday to go.

We have a heap on for the rest of this week: swimming, work, carols practice, school, catch up with friends, vote, Jesse's 1st birthday.........

So, who do you predict will win this Saturday? My feeling is that Victorians like a change, and there is nothing to hold on to with the present government......but I guess we will see.

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Blogger 60plus said...

Really enjoyed the music - the only thing missing was the trumpet - what happened to it?
Happy birthday Jessie!!

November 25, 2006 8:31 am  
Blogger Matt Lowe said...

22nd of November? Surely LOTS of things have happened since then?? (Yes, I realise the hypocrisy of this comment, from someone who didn't post for almost 4 weeks). Hoping you're all well anyway.

December 02, 2006 4:54 pm  

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