Thursday, January 18, 2007

Half Way Through January!

We're enjoying the slow pace of January very much. Both of us are working, but you'd hardly know it. It makes me wonder what all the extra things are that actually contribute to making life as busy as it gets? Deadlines are good at any time of year to make sure you do get things done.

Looking forward to our visitors from N.I. in Feb (it's getting closer......) and to 'little sis' becoming a Victorian again.

Still a cycle of hot days followed by a little rain here. The DSE continues it's massive burn offs. Unfortunately there has been some homes lost. Hopefully controlled burns or at least allowing cattle to graze the high country will come back onto the political agenda before people forget about the million hectares of Victorian high country that have burned uncontrolled this summer.

Are Pop & Nanna coming down in March still? We don't have any plans to head north soon, so I hope so.

Here what we did at the beach the other evening.....


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