Monday, August 28, 2006


Checked out a local private school with the possibility of sending the boys for a year of exposure and extra time for us with the littlies. Came away once again with even stronger convictions as to why we do home school. Great footy match on Saturday night, even though the Tigers won. Work last night was steady. Nice to go in and chat and catch up with the goss. Great morning at St Marks. Planning some time away. The twins turn 3 on September 1st. Father's Day on Sunday 3rd. No programs to do this week. Some classroom time. Mainly a good catch up week for all the two-ended candle burning lately. May begin working on a web site this week, if I can get all the essentials done first.

This artwork is by Eliza (3).

Saturday, August 26, 2006

Been a blogger for a whole week now. I think I'm over it. Haven't had that much time to actually blog, but my real issue is that I'm not that comfortable about how much I should put on here since anyone and everyone can see it. I am getting used to the idea that it is a public forum and am therefore getting over myself (this really sound like mid-life is getting to me....).
It's terrific to be finished with the pressure of programs for the term. It's been a fantastic one but will be good to be able to have a break and focus on some planning for term 4 and 07. Today we checked out a school for the boys. It was a good way to re think and evaluate how their education and development is going. Essendon and Richmond play tonight. Nice to have a night off to watch it. Twins are on their first overnighter with Granny. As great as it is to live here, looking forward to a little time away. Maybe I'll post another picture.

Monday, August 21, 2006

Monday Blues

What a great day it's been today! Playgroup with the twins. Lunch with the family. CRE for grade 1's. KidZone, AllStars. Vestry. BUT, I missed Boston Legal!!! No Denny Crane?! I got to spend time with my wife instead, so no competition really (that's my opinion not hers!)
So I guess that a picture of the twins is required.

Sunday, August 20, 2006

What Day Is it?

Looks like another fantastic sunny day up here in the hills. Of course, it will become cloudy and rain soon also, but that's why we love living here.
Been to the lake already this morning. People fishing and walking their kids and/or dogs (this picture isnot me, and it is not at the lake either). Looking forward to going to church, then to a workshop, and then maybe a rest before work later on (or go to work to rest perhaps). When you write your day down before it happens, it kind of reminds me of the Talking Heads song "letting the days go by." But there's nothing wrong with that when you actually like it.

Saturday, August 19, 2006

Welcome to my brand new blog.

We are trying out this web log to see what we can use it for. Perhaps we can show pictures of the kids to our family?