Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Wednesday, 22nd November.

Programs are now finished for the term and the year for me. No sooner does it start than it is finished. We have had a good term. I worked out today that our team is made up of approximately 62 people, all volunteers. That's a fair chunk of human resources motivation and management. Love it.
It will be good to write down the things that worked and the things that didn't, but maybe that can wait 'till next week. Still have Celebration this Sunday to go.

We have a heap on for the rest of this week: swimming, work, carols practice, school, catch up with friends, vote, Jesse's 1st birthday.........

So, who do you predict will win this Saturday? My feeling is that Victorians like a change, and there is nothing to hold on to with the present government......but I guess we will see.

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Sunday, November 19, 2006

Sunday, 19th November

Have to rush this one!
We had a great day yesterday at a "one year old" birthday party.
Our annual Kids Celebration is on next week, so the boys and I worked on a training video for a short time this afternoon. You can preview a snippet of it below.

Jesse turns 1 year old himself next Saturday.......

We hope everyone is having a good weekend.

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Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Tuesday Night

The more I watch this, the funnier it seems to get........maybe it's just me.

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Connor learned some 'perspective' drawing today, and has spent most of the afternoon on this artwork:

...very good....

One class tomorrow morning and that's it for programs for 2 days.
Looking forward to spending some time at home.

On The Run....

If I don't write something now then it will be Saturday again 'till I do. Our weekend has flown by: school fete, little aths, work, ...more work!

Very sad funeral yesterday, KidZone, AllStars.....Today and tomorrow look the same with school, (another) funeral, KidsClub and CRE tomorrow morning until there is any break in the week......
Only one more weekof this and all our programs finish for '06.

Who said I couldn't go a whole posting without a Dropshot?

Thursday, November 09, 2006

What Did We Do Yesterday?

Have NO IDEA who won the Melbourne Cup. Totally missed it. Oh well, there's always next year.

The boys didn't believe me when I told them that probably more people watched the Melbourne Cup than AFL (Aussie rules footy).

Fairly full days ahead: work, a school fete, a wedding, a funeral, more work. Lucky we had a few days off (?!!) It only gets more full on from here.

Started practising for the (Christmas) carols last night.....Connor reckons it's a great gig. That may have more to do with the frogs that live in the Music room where we practice than the carols themselves. He does have a very nice voice.

Yes, another Dropshot........

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Monday, November 06, 2006

..T'was the day before Cup Day..

Nice to have a relaxed day.....
Australia: the land of the long weekend is still somewhat true, as long as you're not in retail.
Spent half the day on the computer doing work; and half at the shops, with a little diversion at the graveside (a very condensed version of our activities there are on the Dropbox....). Since I found how handy the boys are with a shovel thought they'd be handy for this little outing.
Occasionally I realise that the grieving process is not necessarily over just because you are able to do other things. Occasionally, like today. It's a process you can't shove to one side until a more convenient time. Doing things like we did today are good for it.

Any hot tips for the Melbourne Cup tommorrow? Go on, it's no good predicting a winner after the race.....

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Saturday, November 04, 2006

Saturday, Saturday.

It's been another busy weekend so far!
I chose to do a year 7/8 program pilot last night, which was great, and we've been in the garden this morning working on a 'project.' Play below to get an idea......
Just got back from a party in Gembrook for our neighbour who turned 60.
We all had a good time, especially the kids. There was a live Irish band which was very good. Have some great shots of Eliza dancing, but that will have to wait for another time.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Wednesday Morning

As predicted it has been a very full week so far, following on from a very full weekend.
Filling Saturday with extras definitely has a price further down the line. Now it's Wednesday, which means a much needed break in the pace, since it all starts on Thursday and Friday again.
Ah, but it's FUN!

Yesterday was Halloween, which we didn't do anything for (except be the target of some trick and treaters, who will find we are MUCH better prepared on both the 'trick' and 'treat' side of things, so beware).
So some of the family insisted on doing a walk with costumes on. Hopefully the DropShot box gives you an idea of what that was like.
Christmas Carols, Childrens Celebration, end of term programs, end of year clean ups and parties and lunches, cleaning up PROPERLY for bushfire season (it's now ILLEGAL to use a hose to wash the car, unbelievable but true, so I'm off the hook for that little job), it certainly is heading into silly season.